Screen Fatigue During the Pandemic

Reducing screen time for everyone to preserve good vibes and good health

Hey family! We know it's been a weird year and now we're entering into uncharted territory for a lot of student, parents and families. While going back to school is certainly different and up in the air for a lot of folks, one thing is certain – we all need screen breaks and social time.

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Let's Be Real for a Moment – How You Doin'?

So many things are swirling around in our physical, political and mental environments these days – the ever present pandemic, U.S. politics and personal ... stuff. How is this affecting you? How are these things affecting your relationships, families, children, work, school, grocery shopping, your neighborhood, your budget? How about your sanity?

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Celebrating Black August

2020 has been one of those special years that lends itself to a collective sigh, hug and laugh. But this year, more than ever, has been a time of awakening, reminding our community of the need to continue to fight for collective freedom and justice.

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