Reducing screen time for everyone to preserve good vibes and good health
Hey family! We know it's been a weird year and now we're entering into uncharted territory for a lot of student, parents and families. While going back to school is certainly different and up in the air for a lot of folks, one thing is certain – we all need screen breaks and social time.
While you continue to create a routine that is healthy for you, here are some tips to help navigate an obscene amount of screen time and too much sit down time, while some try to manage anxiety around sending kids back to physical classrooms.
1. Turn up the music! Everyone in the house has to take a break at some point. Turn up the music and turn off all of the screens, get up and dance! You know the saying, dance like no one is watching. Yeah, that! DANCE! for 15 minutes in the house and stimulate an endorphin rush to re-energize, refocus and build up the memories with loved ones, roomies or your cat!
2. Start your day (and your family's day) with affirmations. Sometimes creating a new habit like meditation or running can seem like a daunting task. Start with something simple like a little hand-written affirmation next to your bed or on your bathroom mirror. Why hand-written? Writing things down by hand helps you remember them. This can help you remember that affirmation throughout the day. If you have time, maybe write it down each morning to increase the likelihood of remembering it.
3. Establish a tech cut-off time for everyone in the house. This one may seem a little arcane, but it helps! Many people seem to wind down by watching TV or by scrolling through Instagram. Try cutting off all screens at least an hour before bed. Read a book or meditate or sew or find something else to do with your hands. Reducing screen time may help with improving overall physical health, reducing anxiety and depression and improve the creative side of your brain.
Tell us how you've reduced screen time and increased your positivity in the comments.