Hey Family!
Let's chat for a moment about voting and getting involved with our government and communities. It's been an adventurous year so far and a more interesting three-and-a-half years than the previous eight. Whether you're on one side, the other side or no side, your input matters to how your life and your community are impacted by our elected officials and wealth generating corporations.
Many of us took U.S. government classes in school and probably learned that the citizen's vote isn't the final word on what happens in a presidential election – remember the 2016 election? Hard to forget, right? Many might still wonder if one should even bother taking the trip to the polls. Voting campaigns and some of our favorite American celebrities have been urging us all to cast our ballots this coming election. But how does our vote/voice/opinion even matter?
Some say our votes matter because of our futures, federal funding and taxes. Some say our votes don't matter very much because the electoral college will crown the victor. But one thing is certain, we've all got a choice whether or not to let those in governmental positions know what we want. We have the opportunity to give our opinions on how our money is spent, what policies are important to us and what change we'd like to see by casting a vote and getting involved with our local government and community organizations.
Can't vote? That's alright. Write letters, make calls, support causes, volunteer, educate, march, sign petitions, show up, post on social media, pass out flyers, educate yourself, present research, start a conversation or send positive vibes. This voting season is not just about switching characters in the highest position of the land. It's about reminding our government that it is in service of the people, in service of your community and in service of you.